Tuesday 18 June 2013


Connectivity is a new concept that came around with the start of the sixth generation of consoles but really took off with the launch of the seventh generation.  There are several ways that a console can be connected with another.


The most simple is using LAN/Ethernet, this is usually done with two or more consoles/computers in one building. One computer is set as the File Server and the rest of desigiated to the clients. This allow everyone linked into this system to then be able to play games together.

Peer to Peer Networking

Peer to Peer networking is a lot like using LAN but instead of one computer being set in charge of controlling everything that is goingon instead all computers are considered File Servers meaning that all computers in the system have console of what is going on. This is the best way taht two players would be able to connect using different consoles.


Ethernet was designed to help follow a system of rules for when consoles link together like when using LAN. This is used for gaming because playing a game with your friends takes up a lot of data (around 100GB a second) so the Ethernet cable should be able to handle the vast amount of information being passed through it at anyone point.


Wifi is in all mobile phones and several different other machines in order to give the player the option of playing without the use of wires. The average range of wifi is 32metres in orders and 92 metres outside.  The average speed of WIFI is 2.4GHz to 5.8GHz. A great example of WIFI is that it is used for every single wireless controller because it is a very effective signal.

Bluetooth is a lot like WIFI but not as advanced the range is around 100metres but works at a much lower speed so the fastest it can possiblely reach is 2.4GHz. This is standardly used for 2D games because it would be unable to handle 3D games.

As you can see under the disk tray slot you are able to see a small button and
the logo button on each controller.
Connecting a Wireless Controller to a Xbox 360
Connecting a controls to microsofts xbox 360 is one of the most basic functions that the xbox is capable of. To do this you very simplely need to press the small circle button on the console (just under the right side of the disk tray slot) and hold it. While doing this you also need to hold the Xbox logo button on the controller itself. The lights on both logos should begin to spin around it until one single light remains light up and that indecates what player you are once the game has begun.

Connecting a screen to an Xbox 360Connecting an xbox to a screen is a very simple process. The first that that you would have to do is find the A/V cable that comes with all premium Xboxs. (if you didnt buy a premium then there are three other cables that you could have: A HDMI Cable, a VGA HD AV Cable or a Composite AV cable) Once you have found this you then need to look at the back of your xbox and look for the right slot for it to fit in. Once you have taken this step and the back has been fitted into the back of the xbox 360. You then need to attach the front end of the cable to your television set. There are 6 Adaptors at the front of this cable. A Red,Green & Blue that look for the display and should be inserted into the slot in your televison set that matches. On the other part of the cable there is another 3 Adaptors, if you are working with a low end tv then you will have to plug in these 3 to get both video and sound. In the case of Smart/HD ready televisions then you need to only use the White and the Red and this is how you get sound and display.

Connecting a Wired Controller to a Xbox 360
This is the easiest process to do. To do this you first need to find a wired controller. Once found look at your Xbox at the very botton (if stood up) or on the far right(if on side) there will be a flap. Under this flap there is 2 USB slots. This is what you have to connect the controller you. You simplely plug it into one of these slots and the console will configure itself to the controller. The main advantage of this is that you are able to charge your wireless remotes using the USB slot.

Connecting a Game Console to a WAN line
To connect a game console to its respective online services, depends on the console. For the purpose of this project am i going to use my example from how to connect the Xbox 360 into an Xbox live account.  To begin with you must have a wireless adaptor in order to begin the process. I intend to use the Black Wireless adaptor.

Installing a game on a console
To install a game on a console, its rather simple because all you have to do is insert the game into the console and the program will automaticly install the game and integrate the software needed to run the game. Usuaully the console informs you of the installation.

Installing a game on a PC
Installing a game on a computer is pretty much the same as how you would go about installing a game on a console. You start the installation by inserting the game into the PC and it will begin with the installation usually as a way of preventing privacy the program will have ask for a code usually found inside the box.
The computer will inform you that it is updating itself to install the game.

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