Nintendo and Sega didn't have much of a role in the start of the Arcade Industry but once they saw the potention of the market, They both became key points in its development.
Nintendo only entered this market in 1978 with an unoriginal game called Computer Othello but wasnt until 1979 when they first caught the publics eye with a simple game called Sheriff. This game was the first of its kind because it featured to dualsticks one for moving and one for aiming. While at the time the idea of 8 way joystick was discarded it is now used in almost all shooting games such as the Call of Duty series, Left for Dead 1 & 2 and The Gears of War trilogy allong with hundreds of other games. During this year Nintendo made another entry into the market a game called Radar Scope and was the first game to ever have three dimension third person perspective which again is now used in hundreds of games.
The next game that Nintendo made was called Space fever, the game itself was unoriginal and was simplely a coloured version of the popular game realise a year before Space Invaders. From 1980 to the present date, Nintendo built a number of game consoles but not many new technologies were introduced by them in this period.
Sega caught the public's eye three years earlier than Nintendo were able too because of a game they named Moto-cross, the main reason that this received so much attention wasnt because it was one of the first motorbike racing games but because it was the first of its kind too have haptic feedback (the controller would virbrate if the player went off the track). The same year they realised Road Race one of the first forward scrolling racing games. The next time attention was drawn to Sega was when the game Secret Base was realised this was because it was a first games to have two player cooperative.
In the Arcade industry one of Sega's biggest success was a game called Eliminator, this was because it was the first Arcade machine to use coloured vectors. Allong with that it is the only Four player vector game ever made. The very next year Sega was in the spot light again because they had built one of them most elaborate vector games ever made. The game was based of the popular cult tv show Star trek and featured 5 different controls, six different kinds of enemies and over 40 levels.
Overall i beleive that Sega and Nintendo were cruscial to the Arcade Industry for the simple that without them the industry wouldnt have be able to expand at the right it did so it and the home console Inudstry wouldnt be in the place it was today.
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